Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Eggs Kejriwal

Eggs Kejriwal Eggs Kejriwal

Eggs Kejriwal

SodaBottleOpenerWala Mumbai

I don't know about rest of India but Delhi people know very well about Kejriwal. No further comment on this. But I am here to talk about some yummy Kejriwal called Eggs Kejriwal... a very yummy eggy creamy snack made of toast, two sunny side up eggs, mushroom, cheese and many other secret ingredients. So next time when you go to famous Parsi restaurant SodaBottleOpenerWala do try this item... very yummy, very pocket friendly... it will not disappoint you for sure . 


  1. Hahahahaha! The name's hilarious. I am definitely trying this dish when I go to Cyber Hub next. Uptil now have only had veg at Soda Bottle Openerwala.

    1. He he he... do try... but why only veg at such place which serves variety of yummy non veg items? Mutton keema is also very famous there.

    2. Went there with vegetarian friends :P
